Monday, March 01, 2010

The magic of Kokoda Track


Communications & Marketing Officer

Kokoda Track Authority

The Kokoda Track (Trail) produces some amazing views and often times it unfolds before you and allows you to admire it than fades as you watch.

Whether it is rainbows that seems to cut through the forest canopy or the sound of the wind that  whispers your own name as you pass, the track has a way of wiping away the  aches and pains of  a tough trekking day.

But it is where you will sometimes feel closer to our maker and when the going gets tough at certain locations along the entire 96 km of the Kokoda Track, he has ways of making us pause, rest and admire his creation.


And in the stillness of the mountain track he makes it known that he is our God as he brilliantly choreographs his own creation that even the most renowned artist of any generation could not possibly capture in its finest details on canvas.


For it was on this track in our time that he took back many lives that he gave.


You all have a great day.


Pictures by Kokoda Track Authority Operations Manager VOLKER SCHOLZ


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